Tag Archive | Kim’s Fairytale Wedding

Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event, Part II

Part II of Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event picks up right where we left off – Kim and Khloe are still fighting. In fact, they aren’t even talking to one another. Kim and Kourtney fly to NYC for Kim’s second dress fitting and Khloe is left at home… kind of sad, but necessary. I’m over Khloe’s BS.

And for a refreshing change, we see Kim visit Kris in Minnesota. People can say what they want about Kris Humphries and this wedding, but he brings Kim back down to Earth. This is the most normal we’ve ever seen Kim: her and Kris go grocery shopping, they hang out around the house, visit the local Boys and Girls club and even see Kris’s grandparents. Sometimes with all the crazy Kardashian drama and over the top behavior, you forget that they are regular people (with way too much money.)

The rest of the hour shows bits and pieces from other events leading up to the wedding, but I’m a little disappointed E! didn’t show more of the important things. I realize they want drama and viewers want drama, but only glimpses of the bachelor/bachelorette party, bridal shower, rehearsal dinner, wedding and reception were shown. These are the moments we’ve all been waiting to see!

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Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event, Part I

Everything about the Kardashian/Humphries wedding was outrageous and over the top, even in the months leading up to the big day. The two part special started last night three months out from the wedding, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for planning, oh and your typical plastic surgery. Below you’ll find a rundown of the craziest, most bizarre, drama-filled moments.

The Family Meeting
Ok first, how ridiculous is it that the family needs to have a meeting to determine what day Kim and Kris are allowed to get married? Last time I checked, family will make themselves available on the day Kim and Kris choose. Anyway, this is where we see the first of MANY Kris vs. Khloe blowouts. Now let me just say things may have been left out for editing purposes, but from the viewers’ perspective, we see Kris rudely demand that Khloe get him some champagne. For all we know, she could have offered a glass to everyone and not him since she hates him so much. Kris and Khloe bicker back and forth, annoying everyone around them (and those watching). I personally think they are both super immature and need to get over it.

Kardashians 1, Kris 0

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